what they are saying about us

"I just wanted to say thank you for putting together such a terrific program this year.My daughter had the best summer of her life ,hands down.I can actually see the personal growth she has undergone in less than 4 weeks at Shluchot"

Englewood, N.J.
"I also heard about all the tiyulim and the sun tan cream that had to be put on, the icepops to avoid dehydration, the water carriers that were taken out each day, the jewellery making, the kibbutz tours, swimming, the Sachne....the list goes on."

"Thank you both so much. My boys, came home
yesterday elated and sad! The perfect sign that camp was a success. They had
such an incredible time. They loved their madrichim. In particular one
said that his Madricha, was amazing and made sure that he took his
pills every morning, got his injection at night and she encouraged him to
eat. This means so much to know that despite having fun, you are looking
after my boys health and welfare.
One cries every year on returning home which although insulting to me(!),
means that he felt safe, happy and secure.
My son is thrilled that Kenny knows his name now although I am sure that means
he didn't behave well at some time or another 😉
The food, the activities, the warmth and the love they have received makes
me feel so good. Each one of them also commented on how important it is for
them that the camp rules are strict. All kids like to know boundaries and
its especially important when they are away from home. I know how hard you
both work to make this happen and I am so grateful.
Next year you have all of my kids so gear up!
My kids are hoping that you may lengthen the first machzor of camp - just
passing on their request!
Thanks truly for looking after my kids."

"Hi Dvora, just had to say Kudos on yesterday's luggage pick-up! I was so impressed! We drove up to the tayelet in Armon Hanatziv with the luggage, were greeted by a friendly helpful young man who lugged the stuff over to the very beautifully arranged area of pre-existing suitcases, and then told WE COULD GO, we didn't even have to wait to see it loaded up. How wonderful! Drove in, drove out! Looking forward to an equally smooth send-off of the "real" cargo later today."

מעלה אדומים
"Never in my life have I been surrounded by or seen a group of high school students where "being cool" is defined by kindness. This summer that was the case. Shluchot taught 57 kids what friendship, kindness,happiness, and the true meaning of being cool really is. You guys changed my life and the lives of 56 other kids".

Masa camper
"Although we did not have a chance to meet personally, the two of you together with your special staff of counselors have become a happy and positive part of our children's lives. Today my husband and I have welcomed our children back from their first sleep-away experience. As we listen to their descriptions of their many colorful, educational and fun-filled Shluchot experiences, we are noticing that somehow our kids' discourse and demeanor seem to be more mature, appreciative and sensitive as a result of this summer's wonderful life changing memories. They cannot give enough praise to goodness of heart they say radiated from their counselors and campmates. Our three impressionable young teenagers have definitely acquired new life skills,Torah lessons, and have made some wonderful international friendships.
We were amazed to see a changed daughter - positive, singing Zemirot, re-telling stories she heard from Kenny (my wife shed a few tears), and telling us in general what an amazing time she had.
Key sentence was: "Whatever they do all year doesn't really get to me, but in this camp I really connected religiously!"

רציתי להודות לכם על הזמן הנפלא שבני חווה במחנה
שלחתי אותו בחששות כי הוא לא הכיר אף אחד גם אנגלית זה לא בדיוק השפה שלו אבל היום הוא חזר עם כל כך הרבה חוויות וכבר בקש לחזור בשנה הבאה.

זכרון יעקב
מעבר לכך שבנותינו נהנו
עד-בלי-די, הרי שהתרשמנו מאוד שהתכנים כגון
ציונות, יהדות, שבת, אהבת הארץ ומורשת מועברים ומונחלים בצורה מאד ידידותית וחוויתית בעיקר לילדים מחו"ל אך לא רק.
בנותנו ספגו במחנה עושר של חוויות ותכנים והכרו בנות ובנים מהארץ ומחו"ל והכל בנועם ובטוב לבב. אנו בטוחים שיש בדבר גם להפרות את נוער הקבוץ וחבריו.
לא נעלמו מעיננו המשמעת והסדר המופתי שבו התנהל המחנה שאף הם ערכים חשובים לילדי

גבעת שמואל
"I would just like to say thank you so much for the best summer of all time. Every day and night I check the app on my phone that is counting down the days until I go to kayitz bakibbutz. The friendships I have made will last me a lifetime. I have met people from all over the world. Kayitz bakibbutz also opened my eyes to a different way of life. I live in New York where most kids care about the way you are dressed and how much money you have. At camp I became friends with kibbutznikim (i don't know if that's spelled correctly) and kids from all over Israel who know that what is inside of the person is what is important.
Thank you so much for your wonderful camp. I carry my memories from summer everywhere i go."

masa camper