Kayitz Bakibbutz Camp Shluhot

typical camp shluhot daily schedule

7:30 – Hashkama-Wake up to an incredible day!   

8:00 – Tefilla-in our beautiful Kibbutz Bet Knesset.
8:30 – Breakfast-in the chadar ochel-delicious and nutritious-every day a different bunk has toranut.
9:00 – Misdar Boker-hear special announcements and receive mail.
9:30 – Sheur -Engaging Torah Sheur delivered by a kibbutz teacher or Rosh Eidah.
10:00 – First Peula-Swim in our beautiful on site pool.
11:00 – Second Peula-Play basketball on our new courts!
12:00 – Third Peula-Learn Krav Maga
13:00 – Lunch-Enjoy a hot lunch with salad bar, fruit and Hebrew word of the day.
13:30 – Fourth Peula-Make an amazing friendship bracelet.
14:30 – Fifth Peula-Learn how to survive on an island as a Jew-Jewish survivor skills.
15:30 – Rest period-Make your beds, tidy up personal space and receive your Kol Bo afternoon snack.
17:00 – Afternoon Peulot-Walk to the nearby spring of Ein Muda and enjoy a cool dip!
18:00 – Showers-Clean up from a full day of activity and prepare for evening program
19:00 – Aruchat Erev-Enjoy a delicious hot dinner on the grass as you bond with your bunkmates. 
19:40 – Mincha-Maariv-After mincha participate in the infamous Free style divrei torah!
20:00 – Night Tochnit-Enjoy an uplifting kumzitz with stories,music and smores.

A peula is an activity which can be arts and crafts, baseball, soccer, shiatzu etc. There are about 11 typical days during a season.  The other days are shabbat, color war, tiyulim and other fun stuff.