עשרת הדברות (very important stuff)

Nights Off
We try hard to arrange a night off a week for each counselor. Responsibility for scheduling the night off is the counselor’s. There is a signup sheet in the office and you must sign up 24 hours in advance so we can organize transportation.
Being a counselor is exhausting. The camper’s safety and yours depends on you being awake and aware. For this reason we have instituted a 1:00 a.m. curfew for all staff. This means that at 1:00 you are in your bunk. ) One night a week you will remain in your bunk with your campers at “lights out”. We suggest that you take an additional night a week to go to sleep with your campers. This will do wonders for you and for them!
Leaving the Kibbutz
We care about your safety and want to know when you are out and when you have returned. If you have a special need to leave camp you must inform your Rosh Eidah and call them when you return.
Guest Policy
Visitors in camp disrupt our daily programming and take counselors away from their responsibilities. We have a no guest policy. Alumni staff members are welcome to visit the camp only after first checking with Dvora Liss or Kenny Goldman.
In the spirit of dugma ishit, staff should be mindful that they are wearing the appropriate clothing. We try to keep fashion a low priority at camp/Kibbutz.
You will be a surrogate parent to your campers this summer, and it is your responsibility that they are dressed appropriately. Girl’s shirts must have some kind of sleeve, boys must have sleeves during tefilla and meals. Girls shorts/skirts must come to their knees.
Our job is to create a place where each and every child feels safe. Never permit campers to hurt one another physically or verbally. Helping your campers to find better ways of expressing themselves is an important part of your job.
Never use any form of physical punishment!!! If you have a serious problem with a camper, discuss it with your Roshe Eidah. They are there to help you.
We believe that raids are an invasion of privacy and can be very harmful to our campers and camp environment. Therefore we have a strict no raid policy for staff as well as campers. It is your responsibility to make sure that raids of any kind do not happen.
Off limits
The swimming pool and industrial areas of the kibbutz are strictly off limits except during scheduled peulot. Girls bunks are strictly off limits to male counselors and vice versa.
Smoking/Nargila/drugs and drinking alcoholic beverages are prohibited and are cause for immediate dismissal.