getting started-you can do it

- Congrats you are now ready to register your child for his/her most amazing summer. Follow the instructions below and if you have any problem please call me at 0546746026.
- KAYITZ BAKIBBUTZ has partnered with CampMinder to provide online camper applications.
- All forms required for the 2025 season can be completed AND submitted electronically using your unique username and password.To begin the process You will fill out your application by going to our website and selecting Camper Application under the FORMS on our home page. Thereafter you can easily access all your information by going into CAMPMINDER LOGIN on our HOME PAGE. Your username is your email address. If you have forgotten or misplaced your password, select the ‘Retrieve/Set Password’ link. Once you login, you will see a Forms Dashboard. All the forms will be listed for each camper.
There are two types of forms. The first type is a web form and has a computer screen icon next to it. The web forms are completely paperless and can be filled out online. The information is stored directly in your child’s profile in our database.The second type of form is is a paper form and has an arrow icon next to it. These forms must be downloaded and printed. Once they are completed the paper forms need to be uploaded back into the system. (If you have difficulty with that you can mail it to me and I will do it for you)
Non Israelis-The only form that has to be printed is the doctor permission form.
Israelis- The Kupat Cholim permission from the doctor.
CampMinder allows you to complete forms online and print important documents for the summer; review and update your contact information; and view your current statement of charges and payments. Please be assured that all personal information is entered and received via a secure internet connection. Families with multiple campers can access their campers’ information in one place but you will have to fill out a separate application for each child.
Your child becomes enrolled in camp after you send in the $100 deposit. This you can do through the Campminder application process, through a credit card or you can make a bank transfer to: Bank Mizrachi Bet shean 20439, Yazmuyot Shluchot, Account number 171701, Swift code: mizbilit, IBAN # IL52-0204-3900-0000-0171-701. Once funds are received I will enter it into the Campminder system and you will receive a letter that you are officially enrolled in your session of choice. There will be a financial statement attached here as well.
A note about online medical form submission: while much of the medical information we require can be completed and submitted online, please note that your child’s physical examination must be signed by your physician.
- Watch for all our e mails. (we send a lot)
- By June 1st make sure you have sent the balance of payment.
- On July 6th you will happily bring your child at 14:00 (2 pm) to either Park Ranana (near the amphitheatre) or Jerusalem Teddy Stadium where our wonderful madrichim are waiting to receive them.
- You will be able to see how he/she is doing by watching our photos on our flickr account or on our facebook page (don’t forget to like us!!)
- Enjoy the rest of the summer knowing your child is in great hands!5