frequently asked questions
Q: How do I sign up for camp?
A: Go into our website http://kayitz.com/index.html, click on “sign up for summer 2025!” which is found on the landing page of the site and then enter the campminder application process. Afterwards you will receive a return mail that your app has been received and that you need to send in $100 deposit for your child to go from status of “applied” to “enrolled”
Q: How do I download a form to fill out, and then upload it?
A: Go into your Campminder account. Under “Form and Documents” you will find all the forms that need to be filled out. Click on the (down arrow pic), and print the form. When you finished filling it out and have it signed, scan and save it on your computer. Then click on the (up arrow pic), choose the file and save.
Q: How do I pay?
A: The easiest way to pay is via wire transfer-to:
Bank Mizrachi Bet shean 20439
Yazmuyot Shluchot
Account number 171701
Swift code:mizbilit
IBAN: IL52-0204-3900-0000-0171-701
or with a credit card (not AMEX) over the phone. You can also send us a check by mail. We do not use PayPal.
Q: Does tuition include Linen?
A: Tuition does not include Linen. If you would like your child to receive linen at camp (which include: a pillow, a blanket, a sheet and a pillow case), please add linen to your application. This addition will add 35$ to your balance.
Q: What kind of Discounts can I receive?
A: We have a few Discounts that can allow you to pay less for a wonderful experience!
Early Bird- Every camper who signs up before May 1st, will receive an automatic discount of 100$!
Siblings- You have more than one child coming to camp? Great! Every sibling gets a 50$ discount!
Both session discount: Every child signed up for both sessions receives a $50 discount.
Q: It’s my kid’s birthday during camp- can I order a cake?
A: Happy birthday!!! We are happy to supply a tasty birthday cake for your child!! For just 30$ your kid can share the celebration with their friends in camp.
Q: How do I download a form to fill out, and then upload it?
A: Go into your Campminder account. Under “Form and Documents” you will find all the forms that need to be filled out. Click on the (down arrow pic), and print the form. When you finished filling it out and have it signed, scan and save it on your computer. Then click on the (up arrow pic), choose the file and save.
Q: I sent in a doctor’s note- why do I need Health History?
A: In order to guarantee the campers and staffs health and safety, there are a few things required; a doctor’s note- stating that the child is healthy and was checked by a physician, swim form- to guarantee water activity safety, and Health History- which contains any other medical information: Immunizations, Medications, Allergies, and any other medical info that can guarantee safety during camp- which enable us before camp to know our campers better and prepare the staff.
Q: Are there visiting days during camp? How can I contact my child?
A: At camp we have a “no visiting policy” and a “no cellphone policy”. Camp- at its best is when the kids are having fun with each other! There are a few ways you can contact your child and your child can contact you:
Emails- You can send us an email for your child and we will be happy to print it for them.
Packages by mail- It’s always fun to receive packages, letters and postcards. You can send to: Kayitz Bakkibutz (campers name and division), Kibbutz Shluchot, DN Emek Hamaayanot, 1091000.
You can contact the camp office phone 04 6062450 in case of emergency or call Dvora at 0546746026
Fridays- There’s nothing like getting a Shabbat Shalom call! A few hours before Shabbat the campers receive their cellphones to call home.
Q: What does a day at camp look like?
A: Every day is a special day- filled with activities- set for each group individually. As an Orthodox camp- The day begins with “Shacharit”, then breakfast, and then on to a fun day!!! Check out: http://kayitz.com/typical-camp-day.html to see what a great day at camp looks like!
Q: Can my kids do laundry during camp?
A: Yes. Each session gets their laundry done once in the middle of camp.
Q: How are the groups split up? And how many kids are in a group?
A: Camp ages are children entering 5th grade through 10th grade. Every grade (male and female) is a division, and has two Division Heads. Every division is split into bunks according to gender. There are between 1 and 2 bunks for each gender. Every bunk has counselors. In the mornings- the activities are according to bunk. After 5pm- there are division activities. Sleeping is gender separated- and according to bunks. Our divisions are called Eidot. Eidah Aleph-campers entering 5th and 6th grade. Eida bet-entering 7th, Eida Gimel-entering 8th, Eida daled-entering 9th and MASA campers entering 10th grade.