We are excited that you have chosen to join us for Kayitz 2025.
Please read through PARENTS INFO carefully. It is packed with useful information about our program and it will give you a good feel for what we are about. Along with creating a fun and safe environment, our goal is for our campers to make friends for life, discover new skills and passions, feel good about themselves and learn to be independent. All this happens in the magical space of a kibbutz in Eretz Yisrael.
We hope that you will join the hundreds of Kayitz Bakibbutz campers who consider us part of their family tradition.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach dvora at 972 546746026 or via our new e mail at We look forward to working with your child in summer 2024.
Food Services
Our menu is designed to ensure that campers receive well balanced nutritional meals. All camp food is prepared in our Kibbutz kitchen. Every day at lunch there is a salad bar and a choice of fruit for dessert.
- Please do not send Cereal. We provide a nutritional breakfast which includes: White cheese, eggs, vegetables, cereal, peanut butter, bread and jam and one hot item.
- Special diets- We are happy to accommodate special dietary needs. However, special diets (i.e. vegetarian, lactose free, etc) must be indicated on the medical form.
Each child receives two snacks on a daily basis from our Kibbutz Kol Bo. (i.e. ice cream, soda) Kol Bo is included in the tuition. From our experience this is sufficient.
In the past years we have had large amounts of “junk food” finding its way to camp. This has caused many problems including attracting rodents and amassing an insurmountable amount of garbage. Please limit the amount of snacks you send to camp.
If your child has a birthday during camp, you can order a cake by marking the request on our online form. The cake costs $30.
In the Kibbutz spirit of being a cooperative collective we have a no-tipping policy.
We do not have a visiting day. Visiting your child is NOT allowed as it disrupts camp activities. A release form must be signed by Dvora Liss for campers who must leave kibbutz grounds with their parents for special reasons.
Campers love to hear from home and we encourage letter writing. The address of the kibbutz is Kibbutz Shluhot, D.N. Emek Hamaayanot 10910 – please mark the letters – Kayitz Bakibbutz. Please send your child with stamps. E-mail is not available to campers but for those campers from overseas we will print out one e mail per parent per week.
Kibbutz Shluhot is situated in the Bet Shean Valley. It is very very hot! Please explain to your children the risks of over-exposure to the sun and the importance of drinking water. We have installed large water coolers throughout the camp so cold water is always available. Campers must be wearing hats at all times, using sunscreen, (please send sufficient amount), and drinking, drinking and drinking.
We have a no raid policy which helps to ensure a safe, fun-filled environment. In the past some campers have felt that “raids” are “fun”. We feel that they are dangerous and also a form of harassment. Please discuss this with your children.
Campers will be held financially responsible for any damages to Kibbutz property.
While we pride ourselves in our relaxed, informal fun-loving environment we still expect our campers to use proper language when speaking to each other. We have noticed an increase in the use of inappropriate language and we would like you to help us rectify this situation by discussing this issue with your child.
Camp is a very active place where campers are required to attend all activities. Campers may not remain in bunks during activities.
Telephone calls will be greatly discouraged and will be allowed only with the authorization of the Rosh Eidah. We have found that these calls cause unnecessary worry to parents, and do not help in acclimating the child to camp. For all cases of emergency please contact me directly at 0546746026. We will allow the campers to call home Erev Shabbat.
Please be aware that no refunds of tuition are made for children who return home voluntarily during the summer, or for children who are sent home for disciplinary reasons, or for campers who are sent home for any reason we believe is in the best interest of our camping community. This is clearly stated on our camp contract.
Please do not over pack-bunk space is limited. Remember to label all items. Please do not send expensive things to camp.
The suggested clothing list can be found under lists in the website.
Please be sure to bring:
Canteen/Water bottle 2 liter
Small backpack/daypack
Two light shirts for swimming
Two hats
Laundry bag
For water hikes: old sneakers, palladium, converse (not flip flops, teva, shoresh)
Sheets and Blankets
Sleeping bag for overnight-only Masa (first session)
For wearers of prescription glasses please send an extra pair.
All tickets, passports and money will be collected on the first day. Please send this in an envelope with your child and NOT in their luggage. There is no need for cash at camp.
Camp is an environment free from the need and pressures of modern technology. We have a no-screen policy. You many not bring cellular phones, MP3’s, Ipods, Nooks, Kindle readers, laptops. Phones cannot be used as cameras. All phones will be collected and returned at end of the session. Children will be allowed to call home before Shabbat.
Rule of thumb: If you or your child would be upset if it got lost, stolen or broken…Don’t send it to camp. We are not responsible for loss or damage of these items. All weapons, knives, or sharped edge tools will be confiscated immediately. Possession of weapons, cigarettes or drugs is grounds for immediate dismissal.
On the Kibbutz, we live a simple and modest lifestyle. Girls may wear skirts or pants knee length. Both boys and girls shirts must have some kind of sleeve. Boys must have their head covered at all times. Swimming is with t-shirt over bathing suit only. Please keep this dress code in mind when you are packing for camp. On Shabbat everyone should be in Shabbat appropriate attire- girls in knee length skirts or dresses and boys in simple shirts and shorts- no jeans or t shirts. Three years ago we instituted a new camp tradition-a camp uniform. Traditionally our camp dress code was in accordance with the camp goals and kibbutz atmosphere of simplicity and modesty. For boys: Kippa and hat, shirt (no tank tops) shorts, closed back shoes or sandals, and for girls: hat, shirt with sleeves, and shorts till the knee and closed back shoes or sandals. This dress code is both to protect everyone physically and to reflect our modest lifestyle here on Kibbutz Shluchot. All shirts, pants and skirts can be worn as long as they conform with the dress code (sleeves and knee length) If your child would like to wear shorts they must wear these specific camp shorts bought through our web site (go to clothing list) and delivered straight to camp awaiting your child’s arrival. (to eliminate shipping costs) We hope that this will support a sense of loyalty and pride amongst our community of campers and staff.
We send out laundry once a session. Everything brought to camp must be clearly labeled onto each item brought up to camp so that we can do our best to return lost items to you. (Including socks and underwear). Please send mesh bags for underwear and socks.
We would like every camper and staff member to enjoy a summer experience free from injury and illness. We work hard to ensure that everyone receives the best care.
Israeli Citizens
The kibbutz has a Mirpaah on its premises, which services Kupat Cholim Clalit members, those from abroad and all cases of emergency.
Macabi members receive their care in Bet Shean at a Macabi clinic.
Meuchedet receives their care in the Clali Kupa.
Please send your child with their Macabi/Meuchedet card to be handed over to our camp mother on arrival.
Please send in a general Kupa letter from your doctor that your child is able to participate in all activities. We have a nurse on premises as well.
All campers must have medical insurance before arriving to camp. Please indicate clearly your medical insurance carrier and number that is on the form.
In addition, we have organized medical insurance for all those campers who are not a member of a Kupat Cholim. (Israeli HMO) The cost for this insurance is an added $100 per session. The Insurance Coverage explanation can be found in the Forms section of our CampMinder Online service. This package is provided by Harel Insurance and it provides campers coming from abroad with KUPAT CHOLIM CLALIT services
A note about online medical form submission: while much of the medical information we require can be completed and submitted online, please note that your child’s physical examination must be signed by your physician.
Any prescription medicine should be obtained prior to camp and sent with your children. Children must hand over medication to camp mother on arrival. Our medical staff will store and administer all medications. Please fill out our new medication form in our Health form for every medicine that you would like administered to your child and be sure to send enough medication for the entire stay at camp. If your child uses an inhaler you MUST remember to send TWO extra ones.
If your child wears glasses, you must send an extra pair.
Please be sure all inoculations are up to date. Children who are not inoculated will not be allowed in camp.
Lice check
Please check your child thoroughly before camp. This can greatly reduce the chance of your child being in an undesirable predicament in camp.
Allergy Sensitivities
We will be doing everything we can to protect campers who have allergies. It is very important that parents make our staff aware of your children’s allergies. Kayitz Bakibbutz is NOT a nut free camp.
Responsibilities Prior to Camp
Seven summers ago KAYITZ BAKIBBUTZ partnered with CampMinder to provide online camper applications. All forms required for the 2024 season can now be completed AND submitted electronically using your unique username and password. You can fill out your application by going to our website and selecting Camper Application under the FORMS on our home page. Afterwards you can easily access all your information by going into CAMPMINDER LOGIN on our home page. Your username is your email address. If you have forgotten or misplaced your password, select the ‘Retrieve/Set Password’ link. Once you login, you will see a Forms Dashboard. All the forms will be listed for each camper. There are two types of forms. The first type is a web form and has a computer screen icon next to it. The web forms are completely paperless and can be filled out online. The information is stored directly in your child’s profile in our database.
The second type of form is a paper form and has an arrow icon next to it. These forms must be downloaded and printed. Once they are completed the paper forms need to be uploaded back into the system. (If you have difficulty with that you can mail it to me and I will do it for you)
Non Israelis-The only form that has to be printed is the doctor permission form.
Israelis- The Kupat Cholim permission from the doctor.
CampMinder allows you to complete forms online and print important documents for the summer; review and update your contact information; and view your current statement of charges and payments. Please be assured that all personal information is entered and received via a secure internet connection. Families with multiple campers can access their campers’ information in one place but you will have to fill out a separate application for each child.
After you send in the application you can mail a $100 deposit to camp. If you would rather give me your cc info you can call me at 0546746026 and I will process it. Once received I will enter it into the system and you will receive a letter that you are officially enrolled in your session of choice. There will be a financial statement attached here as well. All camper tuition fees must be paid by June 1st, 2025.
There are two ways to send money to camp.
- Bank Transfer– : Bank Mizrachi Bet shean 20439, Yazmuyot Shluchot, Account number 171701, Swift code: mizbilit, IBAN # IL52-0204-3900-0000-0171-701. Please indicate clearly the name of your child.
- Credit card– you can call me at 0546746026 and I will process your payment.
Transportation to Camp
Tuition includes bus transportation to and from camp. First Session begins Sunday ,July 6th-Thursday July 24th, 2025. Second session begins Monday July 28th-Sunday August 10th 2025. Transportation for first and second session is provided from Ranana and Jerusalem. FIRST SESSION PICK UP IS 14:00 ( 2 pm) SECOND SESSION PICKUP IS AT 14:00 (2 pm)
Ranana-parking lot at Park Raanana across from the amphitheatre
Jerusalem-Parking lot of Teddy Stadium
For those flying in on the first day of camp and will not arrive in the early morning, we will arrange a taxi to pick you up and take you back. This will incur an extra charge. Please e mail Dvora at to arrange that service.
Jewish Ruach
Kayitz bakibbutz is a Modern Orthodox summer camp which adheres to the observance of Halacha (Jewish Law) in accordance with Modern Orthodox practice.
Please make note:
Tefillah- All campers attend tefillah three times a day-Nusach Ashkenaz.
Kashrut-We are a strictly kosher camp. All the food is made in our kibbutz kitchen under the supervision of the Kibbutz Rabbi. We are MEHADRIN RABBANUT.
Our hope is that we bring the joy of Jewish values in a fun and invigorating way that instills a love of Yahadut in each of our camper’s hearts. Our hope is that after three weeks of an immersive experience, our campers will come home passionate and proud of who they are as individuals within the Jewish community.
Boys who would like to read the Torah on First Session: Parashot , Balak, Pinchas, and Matot-Masei and second session: Dvarim, Ve’Etchanan can e-mail us at:
We also have a girl’s mincha service on Shabbat.
Those girls who would like to read the Torah at a woman’s minyan on Parashat: Pinchas, Matot-Masei and Dvarim and Second session: Ve,etchanan and Ekev can e mail us at